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Xi makes instructions on China's first National Ecology Day

2023-08-17 11:58:53    出处:Xinhua


HANGZHOU, Aug. 15 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping has urged the whole society to vigorously promote and act as role models in practicing the concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets.

Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the instructions as the country marks its first National Ecology Day on Aug. 15.

Ecological conservation is of vital importance for the sustainable development of the Chinese nation, Xi said, calling it a major political issue that concerns the mission and purpose of the CPC as well as a major social issue that bears upon public wellbeing.

On the new journey of building a modern socialist country in all respects, efforts should be made to maintain strategic resolve in advancing ecological progress and promote high-quality development in sync with high-standard protection, Xi said.

With a focus on carbon peak and carbon neutrality, the country should facilitate the gradual transition from dual control over the amount and intensity of energy consumption to dual control over the amount and intensity of carbon emissions, Xi noted.

Efforts should be made to promote the transition towards green and low-carbon production methods and lifestyles, and accelerate the advancement of modernization featuring harmony between humanity and nature to build a Beautiful China in all respects, Xi said.

He called for concrete and constant efforts across the society to make greater contributions to jointly build a clean and beautiful world.


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